They explored Jalan Ampang this time! Again, they hunt for Japanese food.
It's a paradise for CARNIVORES especially to those who like to eat beef because DAIDOMON has the best Yakiniku in town! Other than that, the sashimi is 'SI BEK' superlicious too! nY's eyes almost popped out when I saw the promotion brochure.
OMG! That's the first time nY tasted Wagyu beef! What is wagyu beef? Neh.. the ngau ngaus in Japan which were fed with sake and were treated spa and massaging like human...

My saliva just couldn't stop dripping even I just looked at the photo!!!

It's darn SYIOK to drink sake while you are eating wagyu beef!
Ohya! There's unlimited supply of ICE-CREAM TOO!
I know this is one of the culprits that contribute to my weight gain! I know i know!
Daidomon, I will be back after I lose weight k?

wow...look at the photos made me saliva drooling leh...I wanna giv it a try too... Thanks for d sharing...
Jie : There is a branch in Singapore too. Not sure same dishes bo.. :D
Wah say, I never tried wagyu/kobe beef also. Not to mention they are brought to walk around to keep fit haha.
I heard the meat is so fast that half of it melts in your mouth the moment you put it in...
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