nY is very sick now. Very pain too. BUT I still wanna blog here.

It's regarding the stupid medical centre and clinic.

nY is a very weak girl. I often get infected with sore throat and flu. Hence, I experienced ear pain since 1 month ago. Whenever I cough, breathe hard or burp, I definitely feel the muscles pain at my inner ears. Sometimes the pain is very serious till I have to kneel down or black out.

I saw family doctor last month. The pain is not there anymore till last 2 days after nY back from a BBQ gathering... *Sob sob* I had a awful sore throat. Since throat, nose and ears are connected, it infects my ears AGAIN. As I was in MMU that time, I went to see the doctor at poliklinik GOMEZ @ StreetMall. The lady doctor straight away sent me to SMC because she claimed that mmu staffs are covered by MMU.

Since I thought I'm 'covered' under MMU, I drove all the way to the designated hospital early in the morning with mummy. *1 hour Traffic Jam! *

FYI, the service @ the 'hospital' is very hospitable. The receptionist at the counter will direct you the way and attend your entire request. Hehe... They treated me like a Queen. :D But there's no free lunch ma... I have the PRICE to pay one.

After did some normal procedure test like checking my ears, pressing my face and ears, playing with the ‘cute toys’ of his, the doctor said something like this...

Doc: Ms. Yip, are you studying or working?
n Y : Studying and tutoring… :P Poor student...
Doc: I'm afraid I have to tell you that there are no other methods to cure your ears except undergo a minor surgery here. I will use that ventilation tube * He showed me the photos of the high-tech instrument * to SUCK out the fluids from your ears. Else it will become worse... Nah... This is the normal ear drum... this is how yours look like... *and showed me some scary and terrible patients' ear's photo * ARE YOU COVERED WITH ANY INSURANCE?
nY: Hmmm.... I think I have... since I'm staff from MMU.
Doc: Then I will register you for the admission tomorrow. Please be here at 9a.m. and the operation will start at sharp 10. Just register yourself at the counter now.
nY : *Feel scared but still smile * okay doctor. Thank you very much.

Ventilation grommet placed in ear drum. By providing an artificial opening in the ear drum, pressure fluctuations between the middle ear and outside world can be avoided. In short, SUCKER to suck my ear fluid

Frankly, I was blank that time. I never thought that I would admit to wad to do surgery. Tears were rolling in my eyes... but I still acted COOL. Mummy was shocked and her face changed colour after I told her the news. The nurse called MMU for the claim, but the sad thing is MMU don’t want to pay for me because I’m contract employee. After took the prescribed medicine, both the 'zombies' (mum and nY) walked out the hospital.

Mummy keep calling her friends and relatives to seek for another consultation, while nY was just like a zombie, mind blank.... and drove all the way back to Kepong. When I returned home, I burst into tears when see my siao meimei... :( Tak boleh tahan dy...

I went to family doctor and showed him my pretty ears again. He said my ears are infected because when my tonsils are infected, the phlegm blocks the hole. So whenever I breathe, the ear drum will move and that’s' why I would feel the pain. When I showed him the wad admission letter, he lol and said the doctor crazy. He said I can go for it IF I like to pay money and experience pain...

I felt relief… Hope everything will be fine!

Please pray for nYnY….

MMU staff, if you are contract based, please gets yourself a medical card.



Xweing says:

OMG! Please take care!! Nowadays there are many 无良 doctors who 动不动就叫你开刀。Earn more mah!

nYnY_berrY says:

Xweing : Ya! My ex-boss case already gave me a bad impression of the doctors in private hospital.

Jyan says:
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Mathias says:

nyny_berry, did you get a referral letter from MMU clinic panel (the one near STAD cafe).

How come you are seeing Poliklinik Gomez?

MMU contract staff are covered (unless they change the policy under new president). You get a referral letter from MMU panel (preferably the one next to STAD cafe). Bring the referral letter to HR to get a Guarantee Letter (GL). Like what Chin say, you will be fully covered. Even surgeries. But you MUST have the GL from MMU before going to SMC.

nYnY_berrY says:

Jyan and Mathias : MMU covered the consultation fees but not the operation fees. The doctor advised me to do the operation (admit to ward) that costs 2.5k. I already got the GL letter from HR and even called them to confirm... but sad... MMU don't cover the surger/operations one...

Anonymous says:

then wats ur decision? operation or not? =_=;
never thought it will be so serious.. aih.. watever it is, wish u get well soon...

Anonymous says:

nyny~! Take good care ya! See a few doctors first la. Last time my aunt also met this kinda doctors who simply tell u that u need to go under the knife for the ultimate cure. What the.. they only concern bout their $$. Our health means nth to them >_<

nYnY_berrY says:

keen : I'm in the progress of recovering! I can even fight with the tigers now! No worries! Thanks! :X

Jing : Moral of the story : Think twice before you agree to do any operation in private hospital. Their priority is $$$. They are no longer 'doctor' anymore...

- Wern Sern says:

Berry faster get a medical card from Hui Yek. And you are your own best doctor,know your own body and do some research around before agreeing with any operations.Always hope that you are fine.Stay healthy and sleep enough(minimum 6hrs) or eat apples to keep doctors away.

Anonymous says:

all the best in luck