I want to SUCK BLOOD!!!

Someone said that I looked like 'Nyamuk Aedes' this afternoon because I wore a grey and black stripy blouse.

nY was wondering... what's the feeling of becoming a Vampire or Dracula? All the Draculas together with their brides in the movie seems very COOL and beautiful. I also want to become one. Since I'm extremely exhausted nowadays, I think is time to SUCK some lengjai human blood already.

The funny part is... Before I have the chance of sucking blood, people SUCKED my blood last weekend. nY had to go for a body checkup @ Pathlab due to my health condition. Kesian betul! X( They cucuk both my hands somemore!! They said my blood refused to come out ...no blood ! ---> *Potential Vampire * Hiak! Anyway, the report was out yesterday. I'm 'CLEAN' without any diseases.

They cucuk both of my hands!

nY very ko lian ah... Any lengjais out there willing to donate their blood to me? Haha... YUM YUM!

*Time to eat medicine already... else people will send me to Tanjung Rambutan*


- Wern Sern says:

Miss you much my dear friend.I hope to meet you up soon enough.I've been busy recently and getting busier,but there are a lot of things i want to tell you.Hope you take care and stay happy.Most importantly,stay healthy.