Exam Invigilation

nY is extremely busy in this semester. It is because my beloved dean like to pick me to be on duty no matter in what events such as open day, exam invigilations, ushering, tutoring subjects and etc. This semester is really an 'ONG' sem for me.

Since nY is so 'ONG', I have to invigilate tests many times. Do you know what normally tutors or lecturers do during the invigilation?

They are just like the 'ghost busters'. They keep an eye to the candidates and always want to CATCH the GHOSTS who cheat in exam/ test. Some evil tutors/ lecturers feel very happy when they capture the dare-devils. According to 'them', it's a way to release tension! ( nY is excluded yah! )

nY had become witness in a cheating case too during last final exam. In MMU, if you volunteer to become a witness, you have to go to the mmu panel a.k.a. 'COURT' for the listening. XD *Geng Leh*

nY believes that there are students who read this blog too. So nY just wanna let them know that.......

Tips 1 :
If a lecturer/ tutor stands stationary beside you for a long time, you are in trouble. This is because they started to suspect you or your neighbors. If you plan to ' keluar meow 出猫' , nY advices you to stop doing that. One of my colleagues, Mr. JJ Chin stood beside a student during a midterm because he felt that there was something fishy about her. Then he asked me along to stand beside her. This girl didn't notice our existence and carry on with what she had been doing, yet her suspicious act become more obvious. Itu JJ Chin almost wanna kick her ass until I gave warning to the girl. *Aih, students pada zaman ini.... pening*

And I realize there is a group which comprises a guy and 2 girls, always sit in a row and exchange their answer sheets whenever there is no invigilators around them. BERANI betul! They've made me quite mad and they are my current students now. Ngek ngek! You know what gonna happen to them...

Tips 2 :
If lecturers pass by and look at your paper for a long time, there are 2 possibilities:-
1. He is checking your answer. If he/ she is smiling, then congratulations! The answers are correct.
2. If they shake their head, face looks sad, then you better double check your answer. ** This is not applicable for me, JJ and Ck, as we usually do the other way round. :P

The funniest part is, usually when we ( tutors/ lecturers) look at the students' answer, they will quickly cover it with their hand. CHEH... Macam so secretive.... Finally also need to submit to us one lar... SOT Cute betul!

Tips 3 :
If you have any doubts or questions during the test/ exam, make sure you voice it out. This is because you will never know when they will disclose the hints to you unconsciously when you ask them.

When I was a student, I asked questions when I had doubts. There's once a lecturer disclosed the answer to me in oblivion. XD *Wink*

So to all my beloved students, do seek for consultations when you are having problems with your tutorials or lecture notes. *only during consultation hours yah*

Hmmm... There will be another invigilation tomorrow night AGAIN. Yeahoo! It's time to hunt for some eye candies and have fun again!

I really miss the faces when the lecturers say , " Times up! Stop writing! Put your pens down! "



Anonymous says:

i hate Berry now. cause become ghost buster. sei loh....

Mathias says:

Invigilation for mid term or 2-hour final exam paper is still alright.

Man...if you get a 3-hour paper, you'll be bored.

I've yet to encounter "exciting" moment during invigilation.

Have fun. Cheers

Anonymous says:

hahaha.. nice photo at the end!!!

Jyan says:
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Xweing says:

How about that orang hitam with weird eyes that we both know? *wink*

He also always cheat wat...

Damn and he always gets away with it.

Any idea why?

nYnY_berrY says:

mario_romeo : You yaiyai! I know you let ppl see your answers in exam!

Mathias : A few students were found cheating in the midterm yesterday AGAIN and Dr. Lim WK was very angry about that. They still continue doing that even the invigilators were standing beside them. Aih... no eyes see..

keen : Thanks! Do you look like him when the lecturers said the same thing?

Jyan: Yeah! Kiss their ass!

Xweing : *blink blink * You know, I know.. No need to tell one :p