GTO??!! No! It's GTB!

nY already become a tutor in Money Mum-mum University(MMU) for more than a year. For those who know me well, they definitely wondered why this lala mui finally opt to become a tutor and let go of her high pay engineer job in Penang.

Misses those days when nY was an engineer....

Frankly, I was forced to return. XD

There is a ‘sad’ story behind it...

Once upon a time, there was a girl who was confusing of where to further her studies after she graduated from her secondary school (SMK Lala).

She was procrastinated to apply for oversea scholarship because she was scared to leave her happy family in her hometown. She gave up her oversea JPA scholarship and she is VERY REGRET now.

And so coincidently, a giant organization called Yayasan Telekom Malaysia(YTM) was offering a scholarship for MMU enrolment during the edu fair that time. Luckily, this girl got the offer.

YTM promised to sponsor all her tuition fees and pocket money but the price that she had to pay back is to be bonded by them for 10 years. The person in charge promised her verbally that they will offer a good pay for Telekom engineer once she graduated from uni and hence she accepted the offer.

She is bonded for 10 years under YTM!

5 years in university past so fast… The lala mui FINALLY graduated from MMU and thought she was ‘flee from the darkness’. MALANG TIDAK BERBAU, YTM offered her an engineer job with basic salary of 1.8k ONLY while on the other hand, a company in Penang offered her a better job with higher salary. The lala mui cried for days and nights. She was disappointed and made up her mind to 'curi-curi' accept the offer in Pg by telling YTM that she will be on a 6 months vacation oversea with her family. XD *Evil-nya*

Mischievous & evil tutor...

Anyway, she is a tutor in a 'famous' university in Malaysia now. Her dream is no longer to become a successful engineer but a GTB.

What is GTB? Muahahahhaha

nYnYpedia : GTB - Great Teacher BERRY! It is the story of nYnY berrY, a 24 year-old ex-MMU member, and her quest to be the greatest teacher in Malaysia!

Story : berrY, sees the display of a teacher's power over 'guys', decides to become one herself. In her quest, she discovers three important things:

  1. She has a conscience and a sense of morality. This means taking advantage of impressionable university boys is out...but their unusually attractive elder brothers are a different matter.
  2. She 'enjoys' teaching.
  3. She hates the systems of traditional education, especially when they have grown ignorant and condescending to students and their needs.

With these realizations, she sets out to become the greatest teacher ever, using her own brand of philosophy and the ability to do nearly anything when under enough pressure:

  • Wearing casual and 'a-bit-sexy' clothes instead of formal shirts in the class so that students won't feel boring looking at the typical-look tutor ^_^
  • Set aside the reputation of a tutor and acts crazy like a student (well, she is a master student too)
  • Discussing more on personal problems such as ways to 'woo' a girl, how to attact a guy, how to get a gf, where to lepak during weekends and etc during consultation hours
  • more... but cannot be disclosed here :D *nanti kena goreng octopus, become takoyaki promoter*
And...The GTB named berrY is me!

My target for this year is to be a GREAT TEACHER BERRY (GTB)! Hopefully I'll be more well-known than GTO la...

GTO in Japan

GTB in Malaysia

Muahahahhaha... can't stop LOL


Xweing says:


Your photo very DIAO!!!!!!!!!!

赛柏拉斯 says:

"casual and 'a-bit-sexy'" (Saliva come out)

I feel regret that I was borned too early.

Mathias says:

Is not too bad "trapped" by YTM. I'm in the same shoes as you.

The pay now as a tutor is not too bad right? And the best part is the workload and working hour compared to working outside.

I support your desire to be GTB. Need more academician like you.

Wait till you start publishing papers and go conferences, your life will be even more colorful and exciting.


joyce_l says:

Walau..your photo very kns! haha..juz kidding..

nYnY_berrY says:

Xweing & Joycy : Thanks! I will work harder on more photos in the future! XD

赛柏拉斯: Mali.. If you don't mind, nY can gip you tuition one! wuahahahha AJARAN SESAT!

Mathias: I will work and study hard hard one! Then one day can go further PHD like you. Take care and all the best yah! Remember to send us some postcards!

Anonymous says:

a really envied t.t(tuition teacher). now u can be called tt