Video Shooting @ Nokia Lab MMU

Busy! busy! Work! Work! nY is extremely busy lately. I've been pretty preoccupied... After the restructuring of management level in MMU and 'rise' of the new dean - Dr. Lee, my work load become at least 3x compared to one in previous year.

I have 4 to 5 midterm invigilations, has been assigned to become the usherer in an international forum in Hotel Nikko, being FORCED 'offered' to teach 2 new subjects in this semester , in charge of MMU Open Day as the only one usherer this coming Saturday AGAIN! (Till I can’t join a trip to Cameron Highland) :( *Sob sob* WHY? The dean’s secretary said it is because I am young and pretty! PUI!~

After complaining so much about the burden of the work load, I've also learnt that I have to accept the fact that I can't run away from it... I don't have much of an option, do I?

It's time to put this on my table d...

Yesterday, I received an even more 'astonishing' surprise! The dean assigned me to ACT (can you believe it??!!!) in a Malaysia Educational promotional video shooting by the Ministry of Higher Education without any EXTRA PAY! And… he wanted us to be in the office at 10a.m. early morning for the 30 minutes (drag till 2 hrs) shooting. Cheap cheap cheap labor!!!!! I wanna kill people d! Why me AGAIN!!!!! My name is always there in his forwarded email. What also kena me!! But jackpot and BONUS TARAK KENA LANGSUNG! @#$#%$^*&()

I WANT TO RELEASE THE TENSION! I've attended non-stop body combat classes so that I can kick and hit as hard as I could when I imagine I’m punching HIM like punching a PUNCHING BAG. *Evil* In addition to my illness, I've lost few kilos owing to this reason in just one week time. HappY!


Go back to the video shooting… A few LUCKY tutors (me, ck, ee and nisha) and lecturers are ‘invited’ to act too. The scene is about a bunch of Master students who is having class at the lab. Our baby-face lecturer–Bryan the handsome has to pretend that he is giving lecturing and consultation to the student jais (tutors). All the tutors had to act as if they were discussing the topics and in fact we were having some crazy talks.

Setting of the scene

Assistant director... muka happy

What's going on over there?

nY's alpha year and acting lab partner -ck

The funniest part was that when we were having a view of students coming out from the class. The director shouted CUT when nY LOL when facing the camera. He claimed that we should look serious and not laughing…. But students usually hooray and laugh at the moment the lecturer says ‘CLASS DISMISS’ one mah… No wrong right? :D

Hehe… Leave the stories at the back. I’ll upload the video once I receive the final version from the crew.



Anonymous says:

tactic tactic MMU bluff student to come

ahhahaha so fun

nYnY_berrY says:

Bl : Nono! It's tactic tactic Msia gov 'pursuade' local and foreign students to come! It will be displayed at all the major edu fair! :P not by MMU one...

Jyan says:

Instant shot to stardom. Not bad ma...

Xweing says:

OMG... I saw a FAMILIAR face...

Hahaha... btw, be careful lerr... later Dr Lee find out about this blog... and know that u want to bash him... wakkakakaka

nYnY_berrY says:

Jyan : You come to the shooting la.. How come never appear? we become famous together ma!

Xweing : I don't care whether Dr. Lee or not@! It's the best if he can view this! Then I no need purposely email him!


尼古拉斯 ~ NicHolAs says:

MS Berry: Well...who ask you are the pretty one in their list? So you will be forever...i mean FOREVER in their list for all the cheap labor job !
Lolz....too bad you can't join the cameron was so fun ! We all miss you when we were in the strawberry farm !