Only in Malaysia!!!

Ngek ngek! Malaysia Boleh! You can't see these at other countries, only in Malaysia!

Tired-nya! Take a nap first! Syioknya. Kaki tergantung di tengah-tengah...

S (Stunt)-license driver! Don't try this at home. This is done by 'pro'.

Multi-purpose gate!

Apa tu KAWASAN LARANGAN MENJAJA?! Wa belanja lu makan goreng pisang lah..
Kita hapi sama-sama lah!

Touch N Go! I 'touch' the divider but why can't go one?

Panasnya! Luckily I have my new stylish hat! It's latest design in year 2008! :P

Saya pass undang-undang tapi... ini sign tunjuk mana ah? 2 ways lane kah?

Lintas jalan lebih cepat! Mama cakap masa itu emas!
(Cross road faster leh... Mama said time is GOLD!)


U senang, I senang! Jimat $$$ untuk beli tong.

And lastly... nY's favourite pic...


I-dont-know-what-university student... Yau yeng!

nY is very proud to be a Malaysian! Yeah! Malaysia Boleh! I lap you!


Anonymous says:

nice pics.. Thanks for sharing~

Anonymous says:

i know i know
the last pix the guy must be from
Muslihat Muslihat University

nYnY_berrY says:

bl : :O Where is Muslihat2 University? The students there so yau yeng one meh? U from that Uni?

Anonymous says:

OMG! So funny lah. You made my day with your own caption of each pic. LOLZ!!!