MMU Students

One day, while I was talking to my subject coordinator Dr. Lim after the class, a few students approached us. They are my students who always buat kacau in the class.
Then the "ah tao" (head) started to asked Dr. Lim something seriously...

Student : Sir, where is your room ark?

Dr. Lim: Why? Find in the foe website lah! Don't be so lazy.

nY was curious and wondered why those naughty students suddenly become so determined to seek for lecturer's help.

nY: Why? Anything important?

Student : *Grin* We wanted to know Dr' Lim's room and BURN it! The midterm is very tough! After burn the midterm papers, everyone get full marks!

Dr. Lim: Haha.. I heard nothing ah.. I didn't hear what you all say... *Whisper to us* Good also.. I can get new PC, new chair, new desk...

nY: '-' !!! Students nowadays... (Burn dy mah need to retest... ) Waste energy nia!

MMU! I love this place. Full with gila gila cute lecturer and "innocent" students... ^^ And now, I'm already part of it...


Anonymous says:

which dr. lim? so funny one?

nYnY_berrY says:

Go and look for Dr. Lim Wee Keong. Very cute and nice subject supervisor of mine!~ XD