Another "EXCITING" 1st time in MMU

Today is the day I had been waiting for since I start schooling! Wonder what so special about this day? Hohoho... It is my 1st exam invigilation in MMU. This is the 1st time when people feel nervous solving all the complicated questions while I just WATCH at the side! I was wondering how it feels when those invigilators “roaming” around during the invigilation last time when I was a student. I always hope that I am one of them.

2 hours before the exams, some evil “ Si Heng” (senior tutors) taught me the techniques of how to do invigilation.

SiHeng A: Eh, you got invigilate exam before or not?

ME: Tonight 1st time loh… Why?

SiHeng A: 1st time? Haha… Let me brief you some techniques before you go for the invigilation. First of all, you should stand beside the student, then look at his/her answer sheet, shake your head and “sigh”. Then proceed to few students away and repeat the same actions. *GRIN*

ME: Wahlao… So evil! But…Fun leh!!!

SiHeng B: Yeah! It’s fun when you see people cracking their head solving the questions and you just relax at the side. But after few times, you will lose the interest and feel bored making fun of the students.

ME: Wa… Happy Happy!!! ^^

The real situation is I have to reach the exam venue 45 minutes before the midterm starts. I have to distribute all the exam papers and arrange the chairs and tables like Ah 4 (maid). The lecturers also busy writing the numbering on the sticker and paste it on the tables. After we complete all the tasks, we let the students enter the exam hall.

The unlucky thing is…. the air conditioner is not functioning! I thought the hall will be freezing cold but the AIRCOND IS NOT FUNCTIONING! I wear double layers of clothes (under + shirt) plus thick sweater in order to make myself warm. Imagine than 300 people congregate the hall at the same time. And I can’t simply take off my sweater in front so many students. I have to preserve the “honorability” of my tutor’s image! *sobsob* Even the coordinator of the subject also use the draft paper to fan himself.

The main task for me during the invigilation is to check the ID of all the students and let them sign the attendance sheet. It is so so so boring. So, I try to entertain myself by hunting for the handsome and pretty faces printed on the ID. Those that I consider good-looking or familiar, I will “double check” by looking at the faces. XD… I’m just like a lady color wolf! Ngek!

Although I busy hunting for eyes candies, I caught student cheating by sending sms IN FRONT OF ME. High-tech leh! Without hesitation, I become 25 lui and report to the coordinator. Can’t imagine what gonna happen to him tomorrow. Let’s pray for him… [-o<

There will be more and more invigilation in the future. I’m looking forward for it! ^^

*Face that U see when the lecturer says STOP WRITING, PUT UR PENS DOWN!*

HAHAHAHA XD~ Kawaii!!!


Xweing says:


Now I know what is actually going on in those invigilators head.....


nYnY_berrY says:

Let me reveal more "darkness" here...

Incident 1:
Some of the students didn’t bring their student ID for the exam. Since I’m the 1st timer, I tried to seek some advices from the coordinator.

Coordinator: High light their name in the attendance list just to SCARE THEM! Warn them not to do it again! *Grin* Show them fierce face! Now you know how the lecturers scare you when you were a student! Haha :D

ME: (whisper in heart) Kanasai!

Incident 2:
After I caught the cheating student, one of the elderly lecturers claimed that he normally open one eye and close one eyes to act blur even when he sees students cheating.

Lecturer TKT (old): Wah... Nowadays the young tutor very strict! Sharp eyesight! They easily catch the cheating students and act very strict to the late submitter. Actually SMS didn’t mean that they are cheating too, right?

Lecturer THS (young lady): No no no! Bring hand phone into the exam hall already against the exam policy! We must take action to prevent them from repeating the mistakes!

Coordinator: Ya. I will see the student tomorrow.

Dear fellow students, don’t always think that your old lecturers are blur and NYANYUK! The truth is they always try to protect you all and give the second chances! So, must sayang them and don’t ever try to bully them because they are OLD.

ray says:

good lah.. i memang biasa cheat in the exam liao.. then i kasi signal to the invigilator and show the face "OMAE OKOROSU! " then sure they keep quiet and pandang other place.. then i continue cheat : D

Xweing says:

From your above post, seems like you really enjoy MMU tutor life better than Avago life.

Good to know that you're happy :) Miss you!