Valentine's Day

Today is 14.2.07. It's the Valentine's day! It's the day where the lovers will express their love by sending some lovely handmade gift, cards, candies or chocolate to their special someone. The most important thing of this special day is the flowers especially roses. The price of the western food, flowers and chocolates will jump up to the highest point on this day.

For me, today is same as usual. Sky still hanging high, birds still flying freely, classes still going on boringly and nY still have to go to work in the office. I roll on my comfy bed and lazy to wake myself up until the sun ray touchs my butt.

As usual, I go to the office, on my pc and start my daily routine. Nothing special happens except nY see many girl students getting flowers. Frankly, nY was abit envy but nY requested 'someone' not to give any flowers for V day. :(( Stewpit hor.. *Regret*

Not like any MNC company, nY dont see any ladies staff getting flowers. It maybe because nY working in all guys faculty(engineering fac). Sien...

In the afternoon, nY went lunch @alamanda with bunch of lengjai tutors celebrating Mr. Valentino ( HorngJau) birthday. Tell you what... I'm the only lady there. Feel so shy and weird...nY think that I have to learn how to play Dota and act like a guy in order to cope with them liao.

Tick tock Tick tock... Time passes so fast. It's already 5p.m. and I faster call it a day. I rush home and wait for someone's call. Wait and wait... still bo news... Suddenly that 'someone' calls and tells me that he cant make it to meet me and have to postpone the dinner to some other day. I was so depressed that time. This time cham liao la.. all alone during V day dy. In the midst of disappointment, that 'someone' tells me it's a joke. Hohoho... I know god wont treat me so bad de...

We went to IoI puchong and had our sushi dinner. After that, we went to watch Death Note2-The Last Name. It is a touching justice story full with killing, love and sacrifice. Hehe... The heroes especially L is my dream guy. :D Rating: 4 stars

Although it's a simple outing, we had a fun time.

End of the day, 'Someone' didnt give me flowers, but he gave me this...

Pink pink Z610 together with a cute red jewellery box!!!

Thank you my dear someone! Happy Valentine's day to everyone! World peace & hope all the couples in the world live happily ever after!


Xweing says:

Wow! Finally you got ur dream phone! Must be very very happy~ kekeke...

Er... but howcome L is ur type ar?!
So yuk sun... you know what... Lansin's cubemate is exactly like L... HAHAHAHAHA!

nYnY_berrY says:

L is so intelligent,cute and cool. I love him so so much especially when he is eating all those yummy snacks! I wanna be like him! Eat so much sweet food also won't get FAT!

Anonymous says:

L wont get fat because he dont sleep, did you see his eyes? Like a panda... XD