My First Time...

Today I give my very first time to MMU.

Today I obtain my very first MMU staff ID.

Today I apply my very first MMU staff car sticker.

Today I start my very first tutorial class in MMU.

Today I’m officially a MMU tutor!

Yesterday I still hanged around with my juniors like a MMU student, wearing my doraemon specs and pretended like a MMU first year student.

Today, I have to dress formally, bring along my marker pen and whiteboard eraser, go into the tutorial room and present my very first tutorial lesson.

When I went into the tutorial class, the students looked at me in a weird way when I sat at the tutor place. All 32 pairs of eyes staring at me like watching a ferocious animal in the safari.

When I went into the security department to apply for MMU ID badge and staff car sticker, the securities suspected I cheated them that I’m a staff. They requested for my IC for verification.

When I went to finance department to pay for my car sticker fees, the staff there doubted when I claimed that I’m a new tutor.

Haha… Maybe my face really does not look like a tutor… XD

The people that I met in the campus last time were gone. They already completed their studies and already started working since 6 months ago. Those left in the campus now are the strange faces that I haven’t seen before. All my gangs are gone. No more gang ‘makan’, no more gang red-box, no more gang shopping…

I miss those times with my 'pig dog friends'…



Anonymous says:

hehe... i might be your colleague soon. ;)

Xweing says:

Aw... macam so sad... :(

Nvm... you can gang with the other tutors there mar... and become LALA TUTOR! \:D/

How's Dr. Chuah? Tell him I miss him~ hehe :P

Hey howcome Zhiwei gonna become ur coll soon? What's he gonna teach? Field Theory? Hahaha!

nYnY_berrY says:

He gonna teach some language lessons lo... He is trying to get the post of assistant lecturer. His basic pay is higher than me le ^^

- Wern Sern says:

i miss you too behli~
i wanto go to your class can ah??

Jyan says:
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nYnY_berrY says:

Everyone can come except WS!~ Student bermasalah sosial!

Jyan Chin, welcome to my pig dog gang!~ WooHoo... Oink :@)