Sweet Memories @ Penang

My SS (SyiokSendiri) heng dais...
From left: kaidai, dai lou, yi lou & hamsup lou

Kawan-kawan baik visited Unesco awarded 'CheongTseFat' ^^

My beloved Ji Muis, dd & meimei!~
From left: ZhangFei,Xweing(pemberontak),mei(supergirl),Kelly(flower),nY(ultraman) & dd(BajaHitam)

My anak buah (ZhangFei) yang ceemagan!~ He thinks he is superman ark?
2 passerbys beside also laughed at him dY!

XiaoWei's Cousin yang suKa di-SM!~ Spoilt the view at playground. '-'!!!

& Already-Couple that accompanied nY to Penang Hill!!!

Avago FBAR gang & nY @ Genting on 2.1.07!~

@ KotaK Merah celebrating Loke's birthday

Joy cy & nY acted cute! ^o^

Frens went to PaintBall war together!~
From left: TzeWei,Zi Qian,nY , Trolley(RuoYee) & COO( Chief of OrSiOrLiew)

Bakchi team acted cool even lost in the war!
From left: small kaidai(Joy cy), big kaidai(nY), YJ, Loke and Trolley

@Kotak Merah Penang with Joy cy & Phillip

Retarded animals!~

Baby-sister manager's cute daughters!~

MumMum @ Cherry Blossom!
From left:
Top: LiWei,TzeWei, Fei,Kelly & LihWen
Bottom: Xweing, KimEan & nY

Thanks to buddies that accompanied and cared me during my time at Penang. Now all these sweet memories will only exists in my mind... Dear friends, I miss you all so so much!~ :(( If got chance, nY hopes we can meet and play like mad children again! Dont forget that we still have one more water rafting trip!


Anonymous says:

Oh my, my face only appear a few times only....
Anyway, we'll meet again.... I hope..... :)

Anonymous says:

haha... now baru know ur life in penang is so wonderful one.

i thought u were ignored and stayed back on weekends. :p

anyway, i hv subscribed ur blog in my google reader liao!

Anonymous says:

nyny..saw ur blog..noe tat u are happy. Wish u stay happy forever. Luv ya muaks muaks! :* -cc-

Anonymous says:

Thanks for writing this.