Eyes on Malaysia

Have you ever heard of London eye? In conjunction with Visit Malaysia year 2007, Malaysia also will launch its first South East Asia largest viewing Ferris wheel dubbed “Eyes on Malaysia”. The 60 meters high Ferris Wheel which costs RM30 million will be erected at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa a.k.a. Lake Garden. It will be one of the 50 main attractions among local and foreign tourists in year 2007.

Being one of the proud Malaysians, nY quickly formed a tour group consists of raY, mei, dd, KR and Yvonne to view our most impressive wheel. Since it will also be filled with fireworks, artwork, decorations, KL Water Ski Extravaganza water projection screens and world-class shows, we decided to set off to the destination after working hours to view the beauty of the night scene.

As usual, we faced the traffic jam along the way to Titiwangsa. Since all of us skipped the dinner, we could hear the “Grr Grr Grr “melody from the gluttons’ stomach. All the hungry monkeys jumped out from the car and 'killed many films' around the wheel once we reached Titiwangsa.

Night scene around Taman Tasik Titiwangsa

Out of expectation, the process of buying the tickets and getting up the gondolas was fast. The queue was not long. The visitors were well-mannered hence the situation was under control. The ticket costs RM15 for an adult and half price for children, senior citizens or disables. Thinking to save some $$$, nY acted like mentally retarded people so that could get FOC ticket but I failed. ^^

"Eye on Malaysia", was originally installed in Paris, France. It will provide visitors with a 20km view of the city. The ride comes with 42 air-conditioned gondolas that can carry eight passengers each.

Water reflection of Ferris Wheel & KLCC.

However, we were a bit disapointed with what we have seen. We barely see any nice scenery around KL. There was no huge fireworks as promised. We only see some experts playing jet ski on the water. nY didn't give up! nY pursuaded others to stay for the fireworks. Everyone seems very down and fatigue with the empty stomach.

Boring+Tired +Hungry--> Abnormal looking on all the tour members' face

Salute! Somone even fell asleep when we were on the 'sky'. "Eh, bangunlah budak!... bole tido walaupun atas langit "

The whole wheel trip was around 15 mins. Visitors have to remain seated inside the gondolas for more than 15 mins if there is a performance on the lake. Once we got out, we heard a loud blast. We saw some stunt men playing water sports while bringing along some fireworks with them. The most entertaining part was when the stunt man fell into the water caused by mishandling. :D The boat had to return to "rescue" the stunt man! All the visitors were clapping cheerfully seeing all those "accident". Sin sin...

Pretty white chics were dancing on the lake with some small fireworks. *Sorry for the lousy photo quality*

For those who really interested to have a look on the gigantic wheel, you are advised to visit Lake Garden during weekends. There will be real fireworks like those we see during new year celebration (ONLY DURING WEEKEND). ^^ It's so romantic! Guys must bring GF to this place if you wanna give her some romantic surprise. nY guarantees that GF 99% will say "I DO" if guy try to propose under the fireworks 'rain'. It's a good place to visit during CNY after the reunion dinner with family too.

Lastly, may all my beloved frens & family have a very auspicious and prosperous Chinese New Year. Happy Piggy Year!~