Microsoft Windows Vista Campus Launch in MMU

Whoa! Microsoft Ambassador MMU is giving out free original Vista Business Edition CD keys and installer to the students and staff. To make the event more happening, they are distributing 600 pcs of VIP passes to the staff and students. The special privilege of every VIPS is that they can get the package without needing to queue up under the hot sun for few hours and gain 5 stamps after each seminar before they proceed to the CD keys booth.

One of the condition to get the VIP pass is the academic staff need to let the Vista Campus Launch working committee to do some promotion in your lectures/ tutorials. Other option is you need to 'fren-fren' with the head/director of the event.

2 weeks before the event, the committee approached nY to promote the event. He already handed in the VIP pass on nY’s hand but last minute he took it back because nY has no tutorial slots to allow him to do the ‘advertising’. How realistic!!! *Roll eyes*

On the first day of the launching, the situation was not under control. Students pushed here and there to ensure that they are the 1st to catch the PRECIOUS. Most of the poor students have to skip MY CLASS to get the CD keys. :*( Those events working committee didn’t give me the pass instead they ‘rob’ my students!

Student A : Miss, I’m sorry. I can’t attend the tutorial today.

ME : Why? Is it emergency matter?

Student A : No… Err…. I want to queue up to get the Vista CD key and installer. Sorry, miss.

ME : ‘-‘!!! Ok. Go ahead but make sure you attend the other section tomorrow.The midterm is on next Wednesday yah!

Student A : Yeah! Thank you, miss! I’m XXX.This is my ID….10511*****

Some even late for my class! *Volcano exploded* @#$%^&^

Actually I understand their feeling! I was a student before too. If I’m not mistaken, each of the Vista business edition costs around RM600. Moreover the features and security in the new launched OS are very alluring and entertaining.

nY myself also didn’t miss the chance to grab the FREE CD keys. Since I have no classes in the afternoon, I also pretended as a student and lined up. What to do… I didn’t get the VIP pass. While I was in the line, some of the students recognized me. The good students asked the director to let me in bypassing the queue. The bad thing is he DOESN’T GIVE FACE!

XXX : Sorry miss! You have to line up here too if you don’t have the VIP.

ME : *Sob sob* Nevermind…

The whole process took around 2 hours and 15 minutes. Luckily Yvonne is accompanying me all the time in the hall. Or else I think I will fall asleep in front of the students.

Hiak Hiak… I will recognize the faces that don’t PEI MIN me. If they have the fate to become my students in the future, I will “give some privileges” to them too… *Evil* Hohoho

<-- YeahYeah! My going-to-be Vista Desktop! ^^


Anonymous says:

actually, i am against with their policy of giving away VIP passes to high comm frens.

they r practicing CRONYISM!!!

it's either they make it goes like this: 'to get the VIP pass is the academic staff need to let the Vista Campus Launch working committee to do some promotion in your lectures/ tutorials.'

or they dun give away to anyone.

ray says:

haha... lame event ..

who is the director of this event ? nelson key ah ? i go belasah him ok !

because not much corporate wanna migrate to vista coz existing infrastructure will need to be upgraded along ... MOSS 2007 , exchange 07, etc. etc. etc. etc. so mahaI

now all those keys they kasi free to student yang kebodoh0bodohan want try business edition without the entertainment component.

Only those working comms can get the ultimate edition , no fair... macam SRC saja... semua crony croniez....

nYnY_berrY says:

The WORST thing is one of the working comm gave his frens the VIP passes in front of me!!! X( BUT he doesn't let me in without the pass! Sob Sob!!!

Anonymous says:

Memang 1 super unorganize event,
so many work comm yet can't handle
lousy management.

good leh, now they have created bad publicity for MS

Xweing says:

Berry, what event is that? Organized by student?

Then you all HAVE to attend all the seminar in order to get the key ar?

Oh no... too bad... I would like to try out VISTA!!!

nYnY_berrY says:

Organized by MMU Microsoft Student Ambassador.

The procedure to get the CD keys without the VIP pass is the ppl must gather 5 stamps after each talks.

They have another new problem now... which the given keys are invalid.

You can refer this link for more info.

morb says:

windows vista?? I thought your system has to be vista compatible before you can actually use windows vista. hm..