2007 New Year Resolutions

Half of January 2007 had already gone. nY was kinda busy playing and roaming around with friends for celebration before I leave Penang. I have no time to think of my new year resolutions until yesterday before I went into slumber land.

When nY think carefully, I ‘macam’ accomplished not many goals in year 2006.
However, fortunately I managed to complete my tertiary studies. Now I'm a full time engineer and going-to-be tutor in MMU.

In year 2007, nY aims to achieve few goals such as:-

1. Keep Fit! Keep Fit and Slim Down!

For those friends that known me since childhood, they will surely know that I’m Queen of keeping fit. I had tried all kind of methods to slim down my elephant body and yet I failed my target. In year 2006, I tried slimming center, fitness center, replacement meal and etc. Out of all the mentioned means, I found out that quarrel with BF is the best technique to slim down. Once we had cool war after fight, sure nY doesn’t eat or sleep. The body will automatically become thinner and weaker. :D Haha.. For those who interested, you can try these at home but MUST with professional guidance! Or else, you will get yourself into hot soup! *Joking* ^^

In year 2007, my target is to cut down 10kgs!

2. Travel to 2 oversea countries every year

nY just back from Singapore after the Santa hunt mission. This year, nY plans to visit HK Disney Land with Dd meimei. Besides, nY also wish to have a breakaway at Bali paradise! nY loves to see all different culture & beautiful scenery from different part of the world. nY hopes that nY can leave my foot steps all over the world! Mickey mouse, here I come!~ :D

3. Have nice body figure like LinChiLing

People always complain and tease about my body figure and fat fat legs. This year, I won’t allow it to happen anymore. nY MUST keep fit and slim down until I have body figure like Taiwan super model Lin ChiLing. It’s seem like mission impossible but I will DO my very best to achieve it. Girls, any ideas how to slim legs and hips?

4. Save at least RM500 per month

After I resign from Avago and return to KL to become tutor in MMU, my basic salary will drop minimun of RM800 per month. nY still worrying of how to maintain my monthly expenses like car installment, insurance, facial courses, hand phone bills and my shopping ‘spree’. I believe that I have to work part-time to keep up with my current expenses dy. :(( I have to gip mummy monthly pocket money too…

5. Learn how to swim

In coming 2007, nY must learn how to swim. This is because according to expert, swimming can tone up body muscles and it is good for health. nY envy those pretty chic who wears bikini that can swim like a fish. So, I must overcome my fear of wearing swimming suit and put my first step into the swimming pool. ^^ Hope that I can wear my bikini and play water at Bali beach soon.... XD

<--- Hot Paris Hilton!~ I love her!

Last but not least, nY wishes that all my beloved family and friends Hoi
hoi Sum sum in year 2007! Lap you all!~ Muaks! ^^


Anonymous says:

i also must learn how to swim PROPERLY.. it been ages since i last swim.. i seem to be struggling in the water.. and i barely survive in the surface of water...i am gaining weight(become fatter)each day ='(... must go on diet .. haha..good luck in achieveing ur 2007 resolutions ...

Anonymous says:

lol.. wrong spelling *achiving.. didnt realise just now.. faster come back.. =P .. i aso must save money for future use .. haha

Anonymous says:

*achieving .. arghh... lol..

Xweing says:

Good luck to reach your goals... I wish you all the best! *hugz...

But also must take care of your health... don't gam fei until fall sick!

- Wern Sern says:

sigh~ susah...
girls nowadays...yat dam dam...

nYnY_berrY says:

Thanks to my laply roomie Naitalie! Jingak buddy WS, I will work hard hard to accomplish my goals de! Yeah! ^^

lau sai says:

Yoyo...Dont need to learn. Dont you think elepant can swim? However
Some elepant even can fly but it still wouldn't loss their weight....:p