Adieu, CNN!

Do you believe in fate? nY strongly believe that people meet and know each other because of destiny. However, there’s nothing perfect in this world. God separates us although initially he puts us together. Secondary class mates have to further studies oversea or local after they completed their SPM. University course mates have to hug Goodbye during convocation because they have to continue their journey to the different part of the world. Some friends become couple and some couples become enemies. Every now and then we have to meet someone wrong before we meet our Mr. / Ms. Right. I already started loving Avago after my 5 months here. I’m very lucky to have many buddies sharing up and downs with me when I needed them.

15.12.06 was the last day for CNN (Chan Nee Nee) from R&D. She is going to carry on her career at some other company. All of us are going to miss her very much after she leaves. ;(~

I’m also going to leave Avago soon to further my master. The feeling was so hard seeing someone whom you meet in the office everyday to leave your daily life. It’s just like someone close with you disappeared abruptly in your world and never knows when to meet her again.

After the having the scrumptious shark fins meal at a famous restaurant, everyone was busy taking photos with her. Here are some of the photos taken in the office with CNN using the lousy production camera:- ^^

Blur Blur Hisham, CNN and QQ Choon Hooi ( nY's manager)

Coo, CNN ( dai nai) & nYnY ( sai nai) --> purple triangle love

Datuk Chong
with his Datin CNN

Danny, the lengjai & CNN

CNN & Choon Hooi

CNN & quiet mia Gin Chun

COO gives souvenir to dai nai ( sai nai also wants!~)

The Multimarket happY familY with CNN

Good Bye Nee Nee! We will miss you! ^^


Anonymous says:

hey hey there, drop by to say hi!

cheersss and happy working:P