That's it, nY!

That's it, nY!

Enough of playing around like a fool, enough of living a life like a student, enough of traveling around and wasting money...

After I ended my engineer life in Penang, nY already living like a student 'unconsciously' in MMU. My daily work is to teach, do research ( most of the time don't) ,sit in office and chat with students and perhaps hunt for some eyes candies in class/lab.

At this moment, nY feels that I'm not a real wo-'man'. I had been living like Peter Pan in my own Never land for 2 years +. I still think that I'm a student.

Whenever I meet my supervisor and co-supervisor in campus, I will hide myself. Not only me, some of my colleagues practise the same too. Why? It is because we don't do our work ( research) and always spending time doing something useless. :P Once, my colleague hid himself behind a pillar when his supervisor walked passed us. For my case, if my supervisor walks towards me, I will pretend I don't see him or shock until don't know how to react like the meow in the picture.

I'm not exaggerating. It is happening now. Kekeke

Since most of my ji muis already become a real woman ( getting married and forming a new family), I think it's time for nY to start working hard for my research too.

You all will become my witness, I will do my best to work for my research! I want to graduate asap. Yeah!

Please stop nY if you catch me watching drama again!


joyce_l says:

eh kai dai! U better study/research hard to graduate soon :P

nYnY_berrY says:

yeah! I will work hard de!

I mimpi also wanna graduate!

fredfred says:
