Owh... That is so mean!

Someone just said that nY is very BIG SIZE behind me. Someone who is from kingdom of far far away and not close with me.

Hati sangat sakit! X(

My slogan is always ' Keep Fit Keep Fit! " That one also say say nia...

I think this is really a good motivation for me to DO it seriously!

Friends, I need your support! *Sob sob*

God, please give me the strength to overcome all these critics!


Anonymous says:

live in a healthy way is what you should concern and dont sakit hati over those critic =) yup, motivation!!i need some motivation to keep fit too .. hehe.. come come, i lap and support u!!! :P

nYnY_berrY says:

yvonne: Yeah! I will add petrol onE! XD Don't worry! Keep fit program is in progress d..