Unforgettable Encounter @ 快乐城 Steamboat Restaurant

Finally. nY gained my courage to go back to Happy Restaurant.

Why I need to gain courage to get back to that restaurant? Is it because people dumped me there? nY saw something really horrible there? Erm... almost correct.

'Happy' Restaurant is the place where nY got robbed last year. A place that made me very 'happy' last year! The 'rob scene' is still fresh in my mind now.

That time me, mei and raY tengah enjoying the most delicious part of the steamboat ~ yee mee + fu juk! Mana tau... After heard the VROOOMMM sound, someone grabbed my thighs... Haha... Should be the purse and the hand phone on my thighs.. :P I was stunted for one second before I screamed my lungs out! BUT NOBODY HELPED ME!

raY paling cute! He chased the robber while chewing the yee mee and fu juk! You could barely see the yee mee sticking on his sterling when he drove. XD Lil sister lagi geng... Stood motionless... Mouth opened wide. All these were still very fresh in my memory, as if it was happened yesterday.

Time flies. It's almost been a year. Today I went back there with family to celebrate Mama's day. The other reason we returned to that place is to continue eating what we had missed out last year. nY even didn't have the chance to taste the yee mee... KANASAI robber. Robbed me when I was eating my favorite yee mee!

The S-hole-bangla- robber kacau me when I was eating this! I had to give up eating it just because to chase him!

The food and soup in that restaurant are nice, BUT rob cases always happen there. If you are LUCKY, you might have the GOLDEN opportunity to experience what I had experienced. :P

Anyway, it is a place not to be missed out!

快乐城 steamboat
Happy City Restaurant,
Metro Prima
(Somewhere near Carefour Kepong)

Here, nY wishes everyone HAPPY MAMA'S DAY! Don't forget to tell your mama that you love her yah! Bring her there, but make sure you don’t bring so much cash with you, BRING WEAPONS for self-protection!

I will be back to that place again because the food and soup there are really tasty! Ngek! Challenging and adventurous too!


Anonymous says:

happy mama's day!