Super Mario!!! MY DREAM CAR!

You must see these! The car owner is very key siao leh! Love Mario till this level!

But...I like! :X

It's in pink somemore!

Side view

Front view

Side close up

Sifat of the car

'Boot' - the part I love the most!

Can you see that? All the small mario and 'tong gu ' jais!!!!

Even the cushions also in PINK! :O Ada PSP jugak!!! Si beh song leh!

Hmm... I also wanna 'decorate' my myvi jai till become PINKY HELLO KITTY car dy! Don't know when my dream will come true leh... *daY dream*


Anonymous says:

Super Mario : Thanks for your support. :D

Anonymous says:

wahlau dunnoe how the fella see the mirror. so many things