Korean BBQ @ Daorae Garden Desa Sri Hartamas

nY already started my 'hell slimming diet plan 地狱式减肥' for 3 days. I just ate only ONE meal as my lunch and drank juice as my dinner.

Tell you.. The process is damm torturing, especially when there are devils魔鬼around who 'SEDUCE' you to eat when you are starving yourself. I should thank the DEVIL of DEVIL, my BELOVED sister. This fella ate chicken drumstick in front of me till her mouth looked so OILY when my stomach was playing a drum during my dinner. *Arghh! I will remember that! *

Nevermind... I told her that I will laugh at her 99 after I slim down. *Hiak hiak hiak*

In order to reward myself for being so discipline, I 'treated' myself and raY to a famous korean BBQ known as Daorae Garden @ Desa Sri Hartamas. Extreme hor... Sekejap keep fit, sekejap makan kuat-kuat! XD BUKA PUASA ah...

** Sorry to the muslim friends, this restaurant is only meant for non-muslim as it is non-halal.

There are PORK, PORK,PORK and BEEF!!!


It is located at :

No.9, 1st Floor, Plaza Crystal Ville Center,
Jalan 23/70A, Desa Sri Hartamas,
50480 Kuala Lumpur
Business hours : 12 -2pm , 530 -11pm
( somewhere near Maybank / TrueFitness Hartamas)

Cozy environment

Dunno-call-what soup


Hanbang -Smkyup (marinated pork belly meat) BEFORE


BBQ pork belly meat with the 10 side dishes

Samgye tang -Ginseng Chicken in Broth

Dolsot Bibimbab (stirred/mixed meal) ... like meal in Totoro... Cicica Bombomba :P

Korean PanCake - Daorae owner, Mr. Yoon belanja one!!

raY : Wah... I saw my favourite! But why so far away... Hard to reach leh...

Satisfied nYnY... ^-^ V

According to the 'Sik Shan 吃神' - King of food ~ raY, there is a way to eat Korean marinated meat.

First of all, take a piece of vegetable, then put the meat, garlic and whatever-that-u-like on it. Remember to add on some korean sauces and wrap it . Final step is to put the wrapped meat into your mouth and TELAN(swallow) ! Muahahaha.... not telan lah... HE telan only. We man man enjoy...

You can consult Mr. Yoon (owner) if you wish to know the correct methods to eat korean food. He is a very friendly and warm person. When raY was still considering of whether to order the pancake, he just prepared it and treated us FOC! Veli Hoi Sum leh... XD

The 3 dishes costs us RM89.7 inclusive of 15% of tax. Quite reasonable.

nY's rating :

Food : 4.5 / 5 stars ( eat till nY's stomach almost meletup)
Environment : 4 /5 ( korean deco , manyak korean ppl there too , can kap leng jai ^_^ )
Service : 5 /5 ( owner BUY nY's heart d... coz belanja pancake :D~)

Overall : 4.5 / 5 ( good recommendation, should go for a try)

Happy times fly very fast... Tomorrow is the time to continue my hell slimming plan again... X(

Gabateh, nYnY! Don't ajak me for meal till I successfully lost 10 kgs oh!



Jyan says:

ur sister very slim meh hahahaha

Xweing says:


But ever since I went to Korea, I'm no longer interested to step in any Korean restaurant cos I think Korean food doesn't really appeal to me. Except their teppanyaki meat lah.

"Joe" who is constantly craving says:

very da cheap d..touch the beef n thats rm60 plus..so normally my meal for two almost 100plus liao..

nYnY_berrY says:

Jyan : At least she is 10kgs lesser than me!!

Xweing : Why u dislike Korean food? Daorae Garden one is really tempting! U shd try it when u come Kl.. XD I bring u.

Joe : I read your blog! I even found the info about Daorae thru ur link! Thanks alot! ;) Nice meeting you!

Anonymous says:

If you think Daorae is good, wait till you try Woo Ga Joon (I think). I've tried that place twice ... (both times I forgot my camera!!!) and their service, pricing is superb. For RM120, you can stuff 4 person with meat, meat and nothing but thinly sliced sweet beef. And you're served like a 'king'. Woo Ga Joon is located next to Shell Station in Sunway Mentari, where the popular steam boat places are.

nYnY_berrY says:

Timothy Low: Do you own any blog about FOOD? Can send me the link? Muahahhaa I want to EAT , EAT , EAT and EAT but after my slimming plan. XD