Mantonese Part 2

I really wonder why the friends around me like to learn Cantonese nowadays. Is it a trend to learn Cantonese in year 2008?
Those friends like to FORCE 'request' me to speak with them in my mother tongue- Cantonese BUT they always reply me with 'Mantonese'.

nYnYpedia : - Matonese is a new generation of language in Malaysia which integrates both Mandarin and Cantonese. It is widely spoken in Klang Valley(M'sia) as most of the citizens in that area communicate with each other using Cantonese. Hence, in order to follow the 'trend' , the 'foreigners' who is not originate from KL would like to learn this new language. Please refer to Mantonese part 1 if you wanna know more about it.

Case 1 : Getting a hair cut

One of my sister's friend, named XX would like to get herself a hair cut before the Chinese New Year celebration.

XX : Wei, are you free today?

Sis : Hmm... Ok. why ah?

XX: *Intend to speak in Cantonese* Ngo yew siu tao fat!

Sis: HA! Why you wanna burn your hair!!????

XX: Nono... Siu Tao Fat ah!

Sis: :O Are you mad!? You wanna become dragon ball ah?
XX gave up and talked to sis in Mandarin. The fact was, she wanna trim her hair 修头发!

Case 2 : Ordered food

nY went for a gathering with my friends. One of the friends was in his progress to master Cantonese. As usual, he keep forcing me to speak with him in Cantonese so that he could practice more.

nY : Eh, budak! Mau makan hamik?

Friend : *Mumbling for a while* Ngo Yew Chao Guo Tiu炒粿條!
nY: Wahlau yeh! Chao Bin Tiu? Edison Guo Tiu ah?

Friend : Yew... Char Kuey Teow lah! Hamsup po!

Not my fault leh! Edison mia case hot hot now mah! I thought got a new dish called Edision Guo Tiu ma. *Blink blink* Edison is so cute! ^_^ but hamsup...

Case 3 : Bak chi tutor, YC

YC is trying very hard to master Cantonese. His popular saying, " People learn swimming by practicing, so I must speak more in Cantonese to master it too! "

One day, when nY was concentrating on my teaching materials, this fella jumped from nowhere and spoke to me.

YC : Nei yau mou Mo-Han gei dian Wa Hao Ma?
nY: Ha! Ni Zai Jiang She Me 你在讲设么?
YC: Mo-han gei Dian Wa Hao Ma...
nY: *after 'my brain processed' for a while* Ooooo! You want Mohan's handphone number is it!

Case 4 : Cheating my I-don't-know-Cantonese student

Student : Lao shi , lao shi... I eat rice in Cantonese call what ah?
nY : Ngo Sik Si!
Student : Oh.. Ngo Sik Si! Lao Shi sik Si!
nY : Yaya... :P

Wuahahaha... I like teasing and bullying those friends who are trying their best to learn Cantonese!

They like to direct translate from Mandarin to Cantonese till 'Mantonese' exists! They always cannot translate the words such as birds, lizards, nose correctly!

Their version :
Bird - Xiu Niu ( Jiok Zai)
Lizard - Piak Fu (Yim She)
Nose - Bei Zi (Bei Go)

There are many more jokes but nY can't remember it now. Will blog about it again in da future!

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Anonymous says:


My brother's friend tried to order chicken wing last time.

He said:" 2 'gai qi bong' la."
-_- siu gai yek become gai Qi bong pulak :P

nYnY_berrY says:

cc : Kai Qi Bong rocks! We open a stall selling kai qi bong ba! :P

Anonymous says:

wah...this edison photo u posted.. really handsome.
i never know before, he is so wonder so many lenglui"s fall for him. keng!!
he very hamsup is normal ma.. every guy also hamsup 1..otherwise, need go hospital do body check lo. :D