Girl Passed Away with her Laptop at her Lap due to OVERWORK...

nY was so shocked when I saw this headline in one of the forwarded mail from ex-colleague. She is so young, pretty and talented. :( It is a loss for her company as well as the world. She just typed out all her rants in her blog and left this world few days after that because blood clot formed at her legs and it shot to her heart when she tried to stand up. Everything happened so fast and unexpectedly. *Worried* Sometimes nY has the same symptoms like her ( fainted after stood up, couldn't breathe properly due to overstress, mind totally blank...) especially during last few weeks when I was headache with my master studies, tutorials and financial problems all at the same time.

My beloved friends, please don't overstress yourself till you neglect your health.

Life is short! Don't put all the precious time on working! VITAMIN (M)oney is not everything! You will need more Vitamins such as Vit A,B,C,D,E,F...and even M if you lost your health due to overwork hunting for Vit M . Do take a break and try something that you love to do. Spend more time with the one you care. Humans are not machine, don't push yourself to the limits! Like nY, I spend times travelling around no matter local or oversea just to unwind myself from the hectic working load.

nY hopes all my kawan jais especially the working one will always in the pink of health! Slow down your path, take a long breathe, walk around kacau'ing' people and have a kit-kat if you feel stress! Eating chocolate will really help in releasing pressure and making people feel HoiSum. nY tried it and it's worked!

Let's us pray together that May will rest in peace...