MMU rants

Yesterday as nY walked along Central Plaza hunting for lunch, I ‘smelled’ something... It was neither from the Ayamas stall nor from the kebab stand. It was actually the FLAMING spirit around MMU. The walkway seemed messy and crowded with students. My intuition told me that something bizarre and fuming had happened in MMU. When nY looked down, some trash on the floor attracted my attention. What so special about the unwanted papers?

Here is it…



U could see 'ads' like this everywhere on the ground.

Rupa-rupanya it was the art piece by a bunch of MMU alumni (graduated) students. They couldn’t stand the way that MMU spends $$$ on useless breaking record thingy yet neglecting the maintenance of our facilities and the improvement of the course syllabus. This gang of working alumni purposely creates video, writes blog post, distributes flyers and hangs the banner in the walkway to show their furious and dissatisfaction.


As part of MMU, I understand how the angry students feel. nY strongly felt that especially during my midterm invigilation on Monday. That day, before the exams started, nY was assigned to distribute test papers in the lecture hall. Even though there would be a test that night, the condition of the hall was not well-managed. The floor, chairs and tables were wet. Some of the tables were broken and rubbish was everywhere in the hall. You could see water cups, Dunkin Donut wrappers, and half-eaten food at the stairs, chairs and even walkway. nY myself also felt very very 'beh song' although I'm not the one who needs to sit for the test. Some students requested to change seat due to the inconvenience but nY just couldn’t help as there is no more ‘fine’ chairs around. I wondered why MMU could spend $$$$$$ on breaking records by buying kebab and cooking dodol but never care about the maintenance of the facilities and needs of the students.

So, frenzy-blogspot had voiced out my dissatisfaction for my part. As one of the academician in MMU, nY really wishes that MMU management will concern more about the students’ need. Students pay for the tuition fees and they expect 'something' from the university. Students pay for all the services and facilities! I was a ex-MMUians too. Now, nY has to serve MMU for 10 years to pay back my tuition fees to Yayasan Telekom Malaysia. * Sob sob*

Well, this is my ‘beloved’ MMU…

Latest record: Longest Non-Stop Martial Arts Punching Relay 2007 (6-8th April)

Pity my juniors jais…


Anonymous says:

haha~ tengok banner tu~~ using the word " memper-siasue-kan". Mestilah perbuatan chinese. But the question is.. can prof G understand the word? X-)

nYnY_berrY says:

As a 'leader' of multi-racial university, nY thinks that he needs to put some effort in understanding our languages in order to show his enthusiasm in promoting 'unity' in MMU lo. :D

Anonymous says:

It's appalling that people keep using the "poverty in Africa" statement to prove their point.

It's not like they are doing something to help solve the issue. I'm pretty sure most of us that can afford things then to waste stuff, perhaps on a smaller scale. When someone else does it on a larger scale (e.g. this kebab thing), they'll use the Africa thing again.

I agree that MMU should stop these meaningless events, but don't use Africa as reference, please.

ray says:

ok lah.. dont use africa.. next time put malaysia poor kids.. those ppl eating fried si hang .. so pity..