The most Unforgettable trip to Genting

Winning a lottery or a lucky draw will make us laugh whole day or can’t sleep whole night. Do you agree with nY? Yea! nY won a lucky draw but nY was depressed with it!

Know why? It happened few months ago during matta fair…

nY was roaming around in matta fair with raY looking for my ideal vacation few months back. Out of nowhere, a fair and plump lady approached nY and kept ‘begging’ us to fill up some personal details for her to enter a lucky draw contest. The first prize was some vacation packages in those famous resorts/hotels. Without hesitation, nY fast fast filled up the form so that she wouldn’t ka ka cau cau there and waste my precious time hunting for my ideal trips.

And the thing was… that sponsoring company called me and informed me that I’ve won the lucky draw. They required me to pay a visit to Leisure Commerce Square( somewhere near Sunway) to claim my prizes but the condition was to bring along my spouse or bf. raY was not free to accompany me that day. Free vacation package leh! Sure have to go even bf not around lah right?

nY had to go alone. The receptionists and persons in charge were hospitable and welcomed me with “OPEN ARM”. However, “there is a prawn behind the stone”. Actually that was the tactic of the JINGAK BEIPEI MOUCI HALAU sales person to CHEAT people to join their vacation package which costs RM300++ per month. The reason they requested me to bring along my spouse or bf is to CHEAT my bf to fall into their trap too. According to them, insurance will be provided if we joined the plan and they only offered that package once for those “lucky” winners. The “Ah Head” said if we rejected his offer, he would ban us from joining it even we have intention to join in the future. !!@#$%^&^&* However, he gave me the voucher to stay in Cameron Highlands for FREE as promised even nY rejected his offer. :D~

nY was quite busy with classes and master studies. Since the voucher will expire end of April, so nY took one day leave and planned my 2 days 1 night stay in Cameron. I called the company for reservations but the receptionist told that the accommodation in Cameron Highlands and other places except Genting Highlands Amber Court were fully booked till mid of May. What to do? Hobson choice dy. So nY booked Amber Court and took one day leave on Thursday.

On Wednesday evening, nY , dd and raY set off after office hours. By the time we reached our destination, it’s already almost 8p.m. It’s raining cats and dogs. We didn’t know the way to Amber Court as we didn’t heard of it before. However finally we found a sign board showing the way to our destination.

Know what? The road to Amber Court was VERY long and not properly maintained. Compared to the road in Cameron, the roads up to Cameron hill are much better. Amber Court is a forbidden and tranquil hotel located at a hill far away from Genting hot spots. There were abandoned buildings and huts along the way up the hills. You can see broken bridges, broken lamp posts along the way. The one-way path was dark and fulled with fog. The feeling was just like driving on the street in the movie RESIDENT EVIL and SILENT HILL. You will feel nervous and worry that ZOMBIES will appear in front of your car. NO KIDDING! It’s true. 3 of us were very quiet and keep focusing on the road. Don't ever go after you watch Hills have Eyes!

Phew.. At last, we reached in front of Amber Court. The 23 storeys building looks very old and the paint of the building already peeled off. Its color is red, like splashing blood. The heavy rain plus the thunder makes the building looks scarier. It is really the best place for shooting hantu movie!!!

There was only one Malay receptionist and nY believed that he was the only security for the building as well. The tables, chairs and furniture looked very old and spiderman mia webs were every where around the reception area. nY found a very interesting and bizarre stuff there. nY saw a red Chinese religion board which Chineses use to put joss stick to show their respect to their ancestors or gods. But… nY believed it or not! DATUK HARIMAU is written on the board. WEIRD WEIRD! My heart beat 10 times faster than normal. Banglas and those dark dark people were every where. The management office macam MMU mia security office, not as high class as other hotel in Genting. Dd keep saying he didn’t want to stay there, the most was to have a “look” on the assigned rooms.

Haha… We got room at 22nd floor. We have to take the same lift with those Hamsup looking Banglas. Basically, the room was nice and fully equipped with basic necessaries. The only terrible thing is when you stand at the balcony looking at the rooms next door. No ‘people’ were there except us. Needless to say, we CABUT ASAP.

We told the receptionist that we wanted to return the room. He didn’t asked us much and straight away returned the deposit to us. SEE! I think same cases happen whenever there are incoming guests.

Kawan-kawan sekalian, you must really explore that place if you like adventurous trip especially with those ghost buster mission. raY told us he smelled something like corpse on our way back to Genting First World and that scared us to death!!!

:D raY has one more voucher to stay there one night! Can let him knows if anyone is interested with it.

nY surveyed online about the hotel before I went up. However, the real situation is totally 1000 times worse than the one shown in the website.

"If you fancy a cool and refreshing holiday, the Amber Court Resort, Genting Highlands is the place to be. Take a slow and relaxing drive up while enjoying the scenic view of hill slopes with your family and friends. The resort offers a tastefully furnished apartments for your wonderful vacation.
For a thrilling and exciting time, visit the outdoor and indoor of Genting Highlands which is a mere 10- minutes drive from the resort..." ads from the website.

Edited version: "If you fancy a cool and challenging holiday, the Amber Court Resort, Genting Highlands is the place to be. Take a fast and furious drive up while enjoying the scenic view of hill slopes (hills have eyes??) with your family and friends. The resort offers a 'tastefully furnished' apartments for your wonderful vacation. For a thrilling and exciting time, visit the outdoor and indoor of Amber Court which is a mere 10- minutes drive from the Genting First World..."

Picture taken by raY's K610

Picture gotten from the website

Map to Amber Court

Here, nY attached the map for those youngsters who wish to explore Amber Court.

Moral of the story:- Good Thing No Cheap, Cheap Thing No Good! FREE Thing is 1000 times NO NO NO GOOD!! Don’t be greedy and happy for those FOC stuff. No free lunch in this world! Inversely, work hard for your dream and don’t expect anything from GAMBLE and LUCKY DRAW!


Anonymous says:

agree 100000000%
damn true,

Xweing says:

LOL, Berry... really LOL.

Nowadays I no longer read KennySia. I read ur blog instead.

Your ghost story adventure come true lah... must ask Leonard to go one day, he damn fancy this kind of horror stuff LOL

nYnY_berrY says:

Hohoho... raY planning to hava a ghost movie shooting at the same place! Any volunteer? Xweing u interested?

Anonymous says:

wakakaka.. Thank 1000 times to god i din skip class n follow u all go.. or i will yell my lung out all the way until return home >__<"

Anonymous says:

i can't stop laughing after reading ur experience!!!
u cheer me up!

OMG, u can beat kennysia d!

nYnY_berrY says:

:P Thanks for "Bong Chaning" o :X

SHING says:

hey.. im actually looking tru google adn checking abt amber court.
then i found ur page.
how was it?
and... was it haunted? can anyone else share their experience there as well?
cuz i was planning to have a shooting there...

Anonymous says:

Yeah, try the elevator, . . . press 3 for 3rd floor and you end up at 2nd floor with a blank wall with inscriptions in front of you. Try, try and try again!

Anonymous says:

hahahahhaha just got back from amber court damn f**king scary liao .... stay one night than x tahan edi cabut!!!! the red paint was like splash accidentally... fuuyoh scary shit...

Anonymous says:

i just came back from amber court. hahaha....

sigh, wish we also took back our deposit but it was hari raya so everywhere else was fully booked...

yes i agree. horrible horrible condition.... like stepping into a ghost movie...

Smell My Ketiak says:

if stay this type of place.. muz be in a group of at least 8 or more people... more SELAMAT!