Bye bye, 510!

Leng is leaving again. She is departing to Australia tomorrow morning again to carry on her dream to further her PHD for 2 years. I’m not going to YumCha and chit-chatting with her face-to-face like what we used to be in these 2 months anymore. :(

Who is 510? It is not a handphone or levis model. Leng a.k.a. 'Fleong510' is my good buddy since secondary school in SMK Menjalara. I used to call her “Mama” because she has the same Chinese name with my mummy, even her nick name 510. Coincidently, her mother has the same birth date with me. Doraemon is her idol! She loves to do things that normal home sapiens don’t do. :D We knew each other since Form 2 when we were studying in the same class, 2 Dahlia. In secondary school, she and Yann helped me a lot in my studies and give me full support whenever I faced difficulties. Leng is a clever girl! She obtained scholarship from Aus government to continue her PHD in her field. nY was so proud of her!

510 with Kinkin

Yann is the other good friend of mine. She is currently a HR executive in a paper production company in Ijok. She is playful, sporting and sweet. Owing to her professional, she always fights for human rights. 职业病!Although we don’t meet that often, she will appear whenever I have problems. She was the one who accompanied me during my hard time in Form 4.Without her, I’m not who I am today. Thanks pal!

Sweet sweet de Yann

There is another guy in our gang. He is Chee Ann. He is working in a seasoning company and as a part time tuition teacher now. He and nY hardly meet ever since we start working. He always occupies himself with his office or tuition stuff. Or else, he will be busy entertaining his friends and clients. However, he is a nice and kind guy. The good thing is he still single and available. He has good qualifications, ambitious and very diligent. Any lengluis out there interested to know more about him? Fast fast contact me while “stock” last. :D

Chee Ann in go kart

4 of us are working in different fields. Although we are best buddies, we never stop and try to follow other’s pace. Instead we move forward towards our goal.

Lastly, nY wishes that Leng has a bright future and will find her AngMoh hubby asap! Then my dream to travel oversea under sponsor will come true if she subsidizes my air ticket to her wedding ceremony in Aus. Ngek!

510, nY gonna miss U ! Bye, my dear friend!

510 and Chee Ann

Ho Peng Yew !


Anonymous says:

so many peng yue la ... good lor... no more kor kor lor....

nYnY_berrY says:

korkor so far away... somemore kor busy working, earning money to Kahwin. :P Anyhow, kor is the best! :D