Food Feast & Career Fair @ MMU


This week is the most happening week in MMU. White beard KFC GongGong, Kok Kok Kai Ayamas, hansem Kenny Rogers, FeiJai LukLuk, kongsi gelap TauFuFa were having 'gathering' in MMU in conjunction with MMU career fair. nY had been in MMU for more than 5 years but this is the time I see so many food and souvenirs stalls around the campus. The campus becomes ‘People-Mountain-People-Sea’, filled with many students, vendors and employers from companies that come for the recruitment.

Coincidently, the students from Cyperpreneurship class are having their food stalls as their assignments. All my students were GONE for their food stalls preparation. My lovely brother and sister are involved in the assignment as well. When nY still sleeping soundly on my comfy bed, the hard-working meimei and dd already woke up (6am!!!) to prepare for their ‘goods’. Finally, nY had to RUN to campus early morning so that I’m not late for my 10am class.

The food supplies in MMU are non-stop during the office hours for this whole week. When you feel bored, you can go downstairs and get some fried mee hon, lemonade or cheese tart for your tea break. When you feel HOT, you can get some chill cincau , ice-blended or bubble tea. When you feel like chewing something, you can order sushi or herbal eggs. Those students provide delivery for academic staff too!!! Whoa... The atmosphere is damm harmony and nice. Multi-racial students together with the outside vendors work hand-in-hand to promote their food. Till the sockets broke down few times due to overloading of electricity supplies. How good if the foodstalls remain there for the entire year. Then, we won’t starve ourselves because our stomach resists from eating those NOT-CHEAP and NOT-DELICIOUS food in Cyberjaya again. We can simply eat KFC, Ayamas, sushi and etc. just a few steps away from the lecture halls.

Here, nY would like to take this chance to promote my meimei’s stall Prospero and my dd’s ice-blended stall. The events will end on 5th April. You can grab the vouchers from nY if you want EXTRA DISCOUNT. Ngek Ngek! nY myself had eaten 3 cheese tarts, one cup of mocha ice-blended, Soya Bean, MatdouYau and a Quarter Chicken Ayamas Kaikai rice as my dinner today! SONG SONG SONG! SI BEH SONG! Muahahahah

I love the CyberPreneur lecturers for organizing this meaningful food feast! Every STOMACHS in MMU is benefits from this event. :D The business was so successful eventhough it is raining season now.

Yeah! Finger Lickin Good! nY queued for one hour with Yvonne just to buy the potato wedges till I almost fainted under the hot sun!

KFC mia partner- KukKuk Kai Ayamas!

Kenny Rogers! They seem catching flies wor!

Fat One LukLUk! Eat dy will fat like him!

Colorful drinks + keropok Lekor! My favourite!
"Abang, saya mau RM5 lekor!"

Even TV3 crew also visit MMU to join the feast.

Tak-Tau-Apa-Meal Box. See that misai lou also no appetite to eat!

People run after see his hansem face!

There's souvenir stall too! I saw SpongeBob & frens!

Dd (alfro head) with his Je-Taime cafe! Nah! My students all hide here! Ponteng my class! STILL DARE ASK ME 'BONG CHAN'!!!

Rainbow Pancakes!

And finally......

Tada! Place where I have my lunch!! Prospero Quick Food by a bunch of gamma mahlaus that loves to cook! Their hot dog called
1986 because all of the mahlaus was born in 1986.

My dessert after dinner-belanja by Ross ;) Thanks!

BlueBerry Chessie Tart! Hohoho! I ate 3 pcs!

WeiWeiWei! All MMU grads out there! MMU becomes heaven of food dy! When you all wanna come back here to join the fun and enjoy the delicious food with me? ;)~


Anonymous says:

hey there... the Ayamas quite nice .. i love the rice and chicken xD .. how was yours??muahahah... we shall try the luk luk tomorrow.. seems like there are lots of food i wud like to try.. was so freakin' full..satisfaction of the day xD... MMU take the title of heaven of food for this week.. after that.. haihz.. =( .. gonna be sienz again.. sigghhhh..

nYnY_berrY says:

Tomorrow I'm going to try Coney dog, herbs eggs and ice-blended! I heard they have new recipe leh! They blend till the sockets exploded! Hohoho :D

Anonymous says:

MMU is now Makan Makan University!!!

nYnY_berrY says:

Muahahaha... Mum Mum University! I wan NNU --> NienNien University! :D

Anonymous says:

haha. that's y i am 'eating in' these few days.

one of ur pix cannot load leh.