Yay! Finally I've gotten my super duper cute hello kitty debit card!
It's adorable, isn't it?
Some of you might wonder how to apply the Hello Kitty debit card. It's fast and easy. If you are new user of Hong Leong bank, you just need to bring your I.C. and minimum deposit of RM200 to the hlb branch near your house and open an account. During this period, the staff will give you a hello kitty debit card instead of normal ATM card. You are entitled for 20 entries to win a Hello Kitty swift car if you deposit RM1000 to your new account + a Hello Kitty debit card.
If you are an existing hlb user, you just have to go to counter and upgrade your ATM card to hello kitty debit card. If you want to win the hello kitty swift, you should top up RM300 to your account (10 entries).

**The staff from HLB told me that HLB will launch a CNY version of hello kitty debit card during CNY next year too!
What are you waiting for? Get your Hong Leong Hello Kitty debit card nao!
I want Power Ranger one
@Bret You go Hong Leong and ask for power ranger one.. Baja Hitam one also not bad mah..
Hey ;D I thought u need rm1000 to apply for the debit card? Rm200 only meh? ;o oh and are there any extra fees or charges? So you only need 200 to get the debit card? Cause my sister is not a hong leong bank acc holder and wants to apply
@anonymous: Yeah.. I just deposited RM200 into a new account and I got the debit card! They did not charge me anything on that day. :)
Deposit RM1000 into new account entitled u for 20 entries to win the hello kitty swift.
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