Are you happy? :)

The weather is very hot today yet I have to go to the bank to collect some documents.

As usual, I have to wait for sometimes for my turn to speak to the customer services representative. While I was waiting for my turn, I looked around as I like to observe the expressions on people's face.

Everyone looked so tensed-up. The customer representatives looked very busy and fed up with the crowd. The customers who were waiting for their turn keep looking at the electronic display impatiently. The security guard looked so stress with the environment. His eyes moved here and there like those live CCTVs which are hanging on the ceiling. One thing you cannot see here in the SMILE ON THEIR FACE. Everyone just looked very 'sien' except nY because I was sitting under the air cond and was waiting to collect my release letter. YEAH! BYE BYE loan!

After I've done with my business, I drove home passing through a low cost flat area. At first, I saw a 'dirty looking' couple in their 40's walking hand in hand towards the old flat with a big smile on their face . The man dressed like a foreman in the workshop and the lady looked like those aunties in the market. They looked so happy. Then, I saw a little Indian girl walking side-by-side with her arm on her Chinese friend. Don't know why, nY smiled...

nY stays in an area which is located in between a rich area (Desa Park City) and a poor area (Metro Prima low cost flat). I can feel the differences between the rich and poor...

I used to hang out with my family and friends in Desa Park City for our meals. In Desa Park City, those uncles always wear a sun-glasses like men-in-black and they seldom smile.While, those rich aunties with the heavy make-up only smile to their 'friends' but their face will change 180 degrees to BLACK when they are talking to the waiters or waitress. Why is this so? The waiters look yong sui??? I don't understand...

So, are you truly happy now? Don't forget to get in touch with your family and love ones no matter how busy you are with your work or studies as love is the most powerful potion that will put a smile on your face when you feel upset!

Love is in the air! Congrats my dear roomie, Xweing and my ji mui, CC for your ROM!


Anonymous says:

just make sure those "MEtro Primian " was happy by u saying their area is "poor"

Xweing says:

TQ babes!!

nYnY_berrY says:

anonymous: I never worry that Metro Primian was unhappy by what I've said because they are poor in terms of financial but rich with love!

What I scare is the 'Desa Park Cityian' scolded me for commenting them. :P

fredfred says:

^_^ wish u happy always~~