Handsome Man

He is someone nY admire. Handsome leh... But he is not nY's bf. :P

Does he looks familiar to you? Did you see him in the newspaper/ tv?
He is instrumental in the releasing of VK Lingam Video Clip in year 2007. He rather takes the risk to gamble his life to 'eat nasi-lemak ' in Sungai Buloh for few years and refused to give in the (correct, correct, correct!) tapes to the local authority. * Yau Yi Hei!* I like. XD

He is someone who inspired nY to look into Malaysia politic, fight for our rights!

Who is he?

He is Sim Tze Tzin, political secretary to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, also is the PKR current state seat (DUN) of Pantai Jelejak, Penang.

He is my good friend - Uncle Sim's korkor. I knew him through Uncle Sim when he seek for my help in coming election in December last year.

He let go of his job in Silicon Valley, returns Malaysia and takes up a low pay job as a politic aide.

At the beginning, nY also wondered why he so GILA. Rather say bye-bye to a great engineer job (high salary) in Silicon Valley, California and return to his back-home to work as a opposition leader with low pay (which is almost same amount like mine). However, after attended few meetings at his house, he made me realized our role as a Malaysian. We must not always sit back and complain about the 'darkness' of government, instead we have to take actions and fully utilize our rights as a voter.

Because of him, nY has the opportunities to get involved in the election thingy. I hung banner and posters middle in the night with bunches of new friends, played with PKR flags, distributed brochures in the market, went for house-to house visit under the hot sun until I become half-African, make new friends from different racial, and get to know some of the people I usually see on the tv screen. nY can feel their enthusiasm in contributing to the nation.

Some people asked me why this 'LALAMUI' would 'waste time' to join in all this 'money and time- eating' activities without getting any rewards/pay... The reason behind all these is... I was one of the victim of the 'darkness'.

If you read my posts, you certainly remember how the policemen bully my mummy when we are not around. Even they are wearing the 'Jangan Makan Rasuah' badge, yet they still take 'derma'(donations) from my mummy. Bukan satu kali, one month once! Kanasai them!

And this is not the most important factor that make me 'BURN'. Few years back, someone I love was sent to 'lokap' and get hit like Anwar even the court announced that he is not guilty after they started the investigation. Everything was just a misunderstanding! Captured wrong people. WTH! !@#$^&*(@#

I really hope to see some changes in Malaysia. That's why I was there in Penang last week, happy to become a half-African. XD

For more information about Sim Tze Tzin and news of PKR, please visit his blog.

My friends, please think twice before you vote. Your vote does matter to the nation!

BN or opposition? The answer should be in your head now.

Friends in Pantai Jerejak, please vote for Sim!!! Together we change the nation!

Thanks, Tze Tzin! All the best! Hidup keADILan! Yeah!


Jinlan says:

Oh gosh..thanks for the info, now i come to realize the bright side of our Country!

Truly impressed with ur efforts!