WaYs to Make a Girl HAppiE

Step into the second month of year 2008. It had been 2 years after nY graduated from university. Most of nY's pig doggy friends either already had a stable career or already furthered their higher studies oversea or locally. Those 'hang fuk' ones even already become people's dad or mummy, busy working to earn money to buy their babies' diaper.

The SINGLE guys started to feel worry lately. Since I'm a 'EXPERIENCED' love consultant , they keep bugging nY about the techniques of how to win a girl's heart.

Mali mali, lengjai sekalian! Let nY share a few facts about girls with you. Hope you have clearer view about 'them' after reading this. Lengluis are welcomed to add more comments in this post too in order to educate the 'naive' guys out there.

[1] When a girl says No, it means Yes! When she says Yes, it means Yes too!

A guy asked his gf whether she wants roses/gifts during the Valentine's day. As a well-mannered lady, she said "Aiya, NO NEED La.. WASTE MONEY ONLY..". But the fact is, she is hoping to get it deep in her heart. BUT... the naive bf thought the gf meant it and hence he didn't buy her the gifts to fulfill her 'wish'. At the end, the gf was angry and ran away. The naive bf puzzled and thought the gf sot sot dei. Well, this is GIRL! :P No means Yes, Yes means Yes too!

[2] Girls love to day dream / fantasize

A girl is grown up together with the characters in the fairy tales. When they was still a young girl, parents always let them watch Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Shrek and etc. All these Disney cartoons 'transform' them to someone who likes to fantasize. So, after they grow up, they wish that the bf/ hubby will be someone who looks like the 'prince-charming' or maybe 'Beast' in the fairy tales. Girls, always wants to be treated as a princess in the castle! FORGIVE them if they always 'manja' or being unreasonable. *SUE DISNEY for the ajaran sesat lah!* Wuahahahahah.... They will feel 'touch' if you try to be a nice guy(prince) and fulfill their wishes.

[3] 80% of females ( aged 5 - 35) in this world like cute soft toys

No idea of what to buy for the girl you admired? It's just a piece of cake. You can either go to the souvenir shop to get a cute soft toys ( the softer the better) or maybe go e-bay to order some fancy accessories with cute deco.

NOTE : This is not applicable for gf / wife.

For gf/ wife, buy something more EXPENSIVE, UNIQUE or MEANINGFUL. If you are not rich, you can try to hand-made some cards/art piece written with the 3 magical words ( I Lap U). She 100% will 'gam dong' till can't speak a word.

Else, you can buy the latest HP, GUCCI BAGS, WATCHES, LIMITED EDITION DS LITE, I-POD, DIAMOND RING and etc. for them. Girls mah.. they like to show off to their JIMUIS of how caring their another-half is. * Hmm... Sounds materialistic hor *

Conclusion: A gift is a MUST for girl during V day , birthday, Xmas and even Anniversary.

[4] How come sometimes girls become very 'emo'?

If you pay attention in your PMR F3 science, you certainly remembered a scientific term called 'PMS' right?

nYnYpedia : PMS (Premenstrual syndrome) a.k.a. Auntie Visit- 'Normally' experienced by a girls. It is a collection of physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms related to a woman's menstrual cycle.

A girl will feel angry, sad, depress, insecure or worry abruptly without any reason. Their emotions will be just like a change of wind. Lol and then cry... cry and then shout angrily at you...
Guys, must know how to see ' face color' of your female boss or your queen at home. :D Please be gentle to the girls when you realize that auntie is there. Else, nY can't imagine the consequences!

Buy them some hot soya milk/ hot chocolate to reduce their PMS pain. It helps!

[5] Girls in this new era like house-hubby

There is an old saying, " To win a guy's heart, you must attack his stomach first." Sounds familiar? Tell you what!~ It works on girls too. Girls admire guy who is good in cooking and doing house-chores. The world is always debating about gender equality ( Zygarchy) nowadays. It means that power is equally shared between men and women in the 21st century. Now tarak kira who work outside, who jaga babies dy...BUT it is the best if guys can do everything. *Evil Smile* The most important factor that leads to a harmony family is both the husband and wife share the workload in the family.

Friends, fast fast pigi learn how to cook a romantic candlelit dinner for your loved one yah! If can, help your gf to do her house-chores too. Sure add some points on your 'appraisal' one! ;;)

[6] How to stop a girl from crying?

When your female friend is crying, don't panic! One of the way to soothe her is to 'sayang ' her head. If you are close with her (gf, good fren, wife), you can give her a hug. Let her tears wet your shirt. :D If you wanna woo her, then must really grab this opportunity lo! That the weakest time (time she opens her heart) for a girl when she cry especially after she just broke up with her ex.

Note: Don't take it for granted! I'm saying to give her a hug, not asking you to hamsup her. If not, she will give you a big BODYGLOVE logo on your face. :P

Bring them to eat ice creams or desserts because sweet food makes them feel better.

[7] Girls love pretty + happy+rich guy

Common sense, humans like to see pretty things. If you feel that you are not handsome/ cool as the celebrities, at least dress nicely/ smart (Gel your hair, wear cool shirt, wear some accessories). There is no ugly people in this world, only lazy piggies.

If you are not rich, you must know how to make funny jokes to make her laugh. If you are not humorous, then try to be caring and understand what she wants. If you can't be caring, then you must be smart/popular like Jay. If you are not a wise guy, you must good in sports. If you don't have all these qualities, go face the wall and think what you need to do dy.

Hmm... I think i better stop here. Don't tell so much. Let the guys figure out more themselves.

Oh ya! Last hint. Girls like SURPRISE! So lengjai sekalian, sik jou lah! Pandai-pandai ha!

All the statements above do not represent nY's view yah!!!

Good luck!~


Anonymous says:

I think i wan go hit wall le.....
Say 88 to me all leng lui

nYnY_berrY says:

Leng Zai Chung : No need to hit! Face and think enough! Don't be so upset! :P

joyce_l says:

I agree wit your saying that guy who knows how to cook have more girl admirers... :)

Jyan says:

So ma fan...nowadays wan find girlfriend also headache...got gf liao also headache...


SINGLE FOREVER~~~ Oh yeah baby~~~enjoy dota in peace everynight! hahahah!

last time fixed marriage lagi senang :P

Xweing says:

Wow... suddenly I feel so blessed... my bf fulfill all of the criteria!!! Diamond necklace, sayang my head when I sad, know how to cook damn nice spicy food... etc... *showing off* :P

Btw. That is very very high standard for guy to fulfill all of them liao... kekeke... nowadays, as long as guy is intelligent + rich, no need to fulfill any of them also can la...

And I really meant it when I said I din wan flowers for V-Day!!!

nYnY_berrY says:

Joyce : Faster forward this link to YJ!

Jyan : U dota till key siao dy lah! Find a gf to play dota with you lah! More fun! :P Else tell ur parents that you want a fixed marriage lo!

Xweing : Bad bad xweing! Show off pulak! [-x *Piff*

Anonymous says:

wa..great article... really good.
points very organized.. easy to faham n remember.
i saved it in my computer liao, so next time can take out n do revision.. haha

Anonymous says:

A guy with 5 years relationship :
reality is cruel~
Distance love is more cruel~

maintenance is a challenge .
loyalty is the key .